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    bitumen blowing

Bitumen processing

Bitumen 2019

Bitumen production process asphalt and bitumen crude oil processing, technology machinery for bitumen.

At "Menestrina bitumen" we can truly say “bitumen processing”, as it is in fact since the twenties that we deal with bitumen processing.

Building up a good reputation is not easy.
Maintaining it for 100+ years even less.

Can provide reliable machines and equipment for bitumen working.
Whether it is simply a matter of storing larger or smaller quantities of bitumen, or in-line charging bitumen with hot and dry mineral powder, or producing solvent-based paints and enamels, or preparing the dosed addition of the components of water-based liquid emulsions, or producing thixotropic paste emulsions, Menestrina can provide reliable machinery and equipment backed by a huge wealth of experience.

Mixers, heat exchangers, vessels, tailored components and instruments, advanced control systems that can be remotely monitored via the Internet:  we can provide all what is necessary to assembly a suitable production unit tailored to the specific Customer’s requirements.

Menestrina company manufactures its own comprehensive line of components specifically engineered for bitumen, as large heated bitumen, basket bitumen strainers, valves bitumen that can be either manual or servo-controlled, level bubblers, samplers bitumen

Bitumen Italy Menestrina - Leader in bituminous plants, between Bitumen and Asphalt. Il Bitume in italia (I)

Bitimen, Bitumen Processing

Customers, we are able to provide in this case too solutions of excellence for Concept Bitumen.

Download FREE the new app Bitumen Menestrina Srl that speeds access to all our information
(In the future Also available for Windows Phone and Blackberry)
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Technology for BITUMEN

BITUMEN History Bitumen years 1895
BITUMEN History Bitumen years 1895

Bitumen technology since ever
years-count 1895
The Menestrina Technology
is the history of Bitumen
since 1895


We speak bitumen, Bitumen Processing
Poster Video We speak bitumen 2019

BITUMEN Products, Because BITUMEN What is, BITUMEN What does, BITUMEN meaning:
With so many decades of field experience dealing with bitumen blowing plants, the Company takes advantage of the lessons learnt in the everyday’s real-life operation in the most different environments.
Modified Bitumen Roofing. Modified Bitumen plant Membranes and bitumen plant..
This solid background goes to the full advantage of our Customers.

Bitumen blowing is in principle a well-known process, but as a matter of fact operating a blowing unit can be more or less practical depending on a number of smaller and bigger details here and there in the way the plant and the equipment are designed and set-up.

Taking care of all details, including the small ones, is a typical key point of our Company’s way of working.

We can cover the full bitumen blowing process environment, from the base materials storage to the finished products delivery, including everything in between.

For each aspect of the process we provide clever solutions developed always going for the simplest and less complicated available choices. Avoiding as much as possible complications and very sophisticated systems is one of the winning lessons we have learnt on our way to today.

Bitumen is under estimated in our modern world. A fundamental material of asphalt we use to construct roads, the bitumen for roadworthiness.

Bitumen Roofing Systems

Bitumen Italy Menestrina - Leader in bituminous plants, between Bitumen and Asphalt. Il Bitume in italia (I)


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